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Pastor's Note | Saturday, August 9th

What an amazing week! I'm referring to our recent Vacation Bible School at which nearly 200 kids ages 3 to 11 took an "Amazing Adventure" with some weird animals and discovered that no matter what Jesus loves them. The weird animals helped to convey the message that even when we feel left out, when we are different, when we do what is wrong, or when we are afraid, Jesus is with us and loves us.

There were some other "weird animals" who were part of the VBS. Actually I should say there were many "wonderful people" who took part, and I'm referring to the large number of volunteers who made the week such a fruitful event. Thanks to all of you who helped teach, lead singing, lead recreation and science exploration, prepared and served snacks, prayed, and played other helpful roles. Thanks to our Director, Jody Lemmel, and the support of Karen Eckland and Michelle Heath, the week ran extremely smoothly. Not only did the young people gain a deeper awareness of God's love, but parents and grandparents were encouraged and helped to point their youngsters to Jesus.

On another note, our dismissal from the PC(USA) and re-affiliation with ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians continues to be "on hold" due to a complaint filed by a Presbytery Commissioner (not a member of GSPC) and a "stay of enforcement" ruling by the Synod Judicial Commission. However, there is a continued effort to meet with the complainants (there are nine other churches facing the same Stay) to mediate a solution that would result in a withdrawal of the complaints. Please pray for this withdrawal to occur.

Related to this is the question I was recently asked, "If we made a pledge to help pay for the Joint Solution, when should we fulfill our pledge and give the money?" The best answer is "as soon as it is feasible to do so." The Joint Solution settlement money has been paid to the Presbytery and is in a secure, dedicated fund (untouched due to the Stay). However, to write that check meant drawing from reserves. Fulfilling your pledge will enable us to replace those important reserve funds.

Thank you for your faithfulness to our Lord. The world seems to be at a height of turmoil and in many places in the world Christians are getting caught up in it. I have learned of churches and a theological seminary in Donetsk, Ukraine that were taken over by Russian separatists who callously killed about 30 people in one church. Brothers and sisters in the Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, throughout the Middle East and Asia are being persecuted. Those circumstances call for faithfulness as does our own culture's resistance to Christian faith and values. We need both faithfulness and the encouragement of our faith community to enable us to live with Jesus Christ at the center of our lives.

Pastor Jim

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