2015... What a Year!
2015… What a year in the life of Good Shepherd! It was a flurry of activity the whole year through! Think of all we’ve gone through in just the past twelve months…
- At our Annual Congregational Meeting in January, the Covenant Partners of our church affirmed the call to me to serve as your next Lead Pastor,
- In June, we celebrated the retirement of Rev. Dr. Jim Wilson, who faithfully served Good Shepherd for over thirteen years,
- In July, we welcomed Middle School students into membership as they confirmed their faith in Jesus Christ,
- Later that month, we worshipped with over 300 children at our Vacation Bible School, with over 90 members of our
- congregation joining together to make it happen,
- We renewed our commitment to Evangelism with a newly formed E-Team and held an informative training session to learn how best to welcome guests to worship,
- In November, we “welcomed home” 25 new Covenant Partners in ministry and mission,
- Our Elders and Staff continued their journey of becoming spiritual leaders through the Elder Leadership Institute, met with our Mission Affinity Group, and sought to clarify our Vision,
- We finalized our By-Laws in accordance with our new denominational home and welcomed a number of new staff members to the team,
- and much more is to come… like two upcoming mission trips to Haiti and a new series in the Gospel of John!
Of course, this list could go on and on.
It was a busy year indeed! And as I think back upon 2015, I envision a duck.
“A duck!?” you’re probably thinking (and for good reason).
Yes, a duck! Let me explain: Most of the time, ducks float along the water peacefully – or so it seems. While above the water, these fine-feathered friends seem to glide peacefully along, under the water there is a flurry of activity, with their little webbed feet going nonstop!
While it may have seemed like “business as usual” around Good Shepherd this year – like we were just floating along the water peacefully – let me assure you, a number of folks had their little webbed feet swimming forcefully!
Thank you to the many servants in our office who fold bulletins, in our classrooms who teach children, at the Open Table who serve dinner, and the many more on campus and off campus, who faithfully respond to God’s greatest gift of Jesus.
For just a moment I’d like to highlight the Staff, Elders, and Deacons, who’s little webbed feet have been going nonstop… Next time you see them – or any other willing servant of Good Shepherd – join me in expressing your thanks!
Paul White Dee Abell Michelle Heath Josh Higgins Carol Jaeger Thea Walker Gerrit Wind Ellie Brandyberry Don Broun Mary Gerard Elizabeth Gilmore Beth Piburn Ruben Solis Carl Lemmel Bonnie Hildebrandt |
Andy Biolchino Candice Cordova Carol Wasson Cathie Severin Dan Krehbiel Eric Dicus Jim Megorden Julie Varley Milt Houghton Phyllis Spielmann Roberta Ramont Sue Nelson-Brown Vern Johnson |
Lanette Broun Mavis Morgan Laurelee Barnes Marilyn Jenkins Susan Brown Carol Benstead Chris Zato |
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Pastor Curtis
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