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After Thoughts | Jonah 1.1-3

This weekend we began a number of new opportunities to connect with God, grow in faith and serve in love, including a new teaching series on the Book of Jonah. After hearing the message, here are some questions from our small group study guide to help you and your family reflect on Jonah 1.1-3:

  1. Are there ways you feel like “the action is already happening” – and God’s story is already being written – as in Jonah 1.1? How have you taken your place in it?
  2. How has “the Word of the LORD” come to you? Have the Scriptures and/or the preached word revealed God’s call on your life? Has the Living Word, Jesus, used other ways of revealing Himself?
  3. In what ways have we as God’s people acted like Jonah, running in the opposite direction that He calls us to? How can we be renewed to better live into His call on our lives?
  4. Have you experienced God’s mercy in the wicked and evil parts of your life? What about His grace when you have experienced trouble, calamity or difficulty?
  5. How does knowing God is always present with you change your outlook on life? How does knowing God is also always present with others change your outlook?

Feel free to leave a comment below if you'd like to share your thoughts on these - or other - questions that came up in your reading the passage, hearing the message or discussing the study guide with your small group!

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