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Study Guide | The Letter to the Hebrews 1.1-5


Sunday at our morning worship services we had a wonderful time of celebration of Jesus' resurrection.

We also finished our in-depth study of the Gospel according to Mark. That means we now embark on another journey together as we turn to the book of Hebrews.

I am enthused to dig into this book - written to Christians who were exhausted, weary, discouraged in their faith in Jesus Christ because of the pressures of the culture around them, the on-going rejection of them and their message, and the continuing persecution they experienced. This is a book that conveys strong theological teaching with the exhortation to remain faithful no matter what.

Can you imagine a more timely message for us?!

The first of our studies is here for this Sunday's teaching on Hebrews 1.1-5. God bless you and draw you closer as his child.

With gratitude.

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