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Study Guide | The Letter to the Hebrews 10.32-39


I am always amazed by the swift passing of the weeks - here we are looking at November 20th, just a few days before Thanksgiving Day.

I'm getting a head start on thankfulness and want to express my gratitude for you who are part of the Good Shepherd family of faith.

I continue to be blessed by the ways in which you demonstrate true faith and express that faith in sincere love. Time after time I hear of people being welcomed lovingly, of those in difficult circumstances being supported and cared for by others, and of the ways in which you have generously and lavishly supported our ministry partners locally and worldwide.

I thank God for you and I thank you.

Here is the study for November 20th... may it bless you and encourage you to keep up the good work of following Jesus and shining his light in to the world around us.

Pastor Jim

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