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Welcoming Training


It was one of those e-mails that, as a pastor, I hate to receive. No, this particular message did not criticize the theological perspective of my latest sermon, question a recent leadership decision, or disparage my current hairstyle (though a few of those would have been understandable circa 2006).

With such a kind, caring congregation, I don’t get many critical e-mails… But the one I received was worse than all of those combined.

I’d recently written in a Pastor’s Note about “on campus evangelism,” noting Thom Rainer’s “Seven Things Church Members Should Say to Guests in a Worship Service.” And later that week, the e-mail found it’s way to my inbox.

It began complimentary: “What a wonderful article regarding welcoming visitors on Sunday morning, and really, any time.”

The next line stopped me in my tracks, reading,

I stopped going to Good Shepherd as I felt the church was not a welcoming church. Your church does many social events to bring people together but when you go to events like Open Table or Sunday services, the same people sit together. This is nice as they are spending time with their friends but that doesn't make visitors feel welcome. After years of involvement, I have had just two people ask me my name and welcome me.

Like I said, it’s one of those e-mails I hate to receive. And yet, it’s not the only one of its kind. This has been the experience of others, as well. While it’s difficult to receive such an e-mail, it’s important that we pay attention and hear its message to us.

On Saturday, September 19th from 9-11am in the Round Room, our Elder Sue Nelson-Brown and our Welcoming Team will be engaging new curriculum on how to effectively welcome newcomers to our campus. I invite you to attend… I know I’ll be there! In the midst of a busy Sunday morning, I could use a refresher on how best to welcome others!

I’ll conclude with the last line from that email:

Keep working on the concept of encouraging people to meet visitors and invite them to join them for a cup of coffee after the service - anything to make them feel welcome, introduce them to your friends.

Pastor Curtis


Look forward to making our fellowship much more welcoming. Sue Brown and the Evangelism Team is taking on this task and all of us must help them.

those are hard comments to receive. I know you and I have talked a lot about that Curty. Even being a staffer I felt that. I know God has plans and will shape in that area. He has good plans for Gspc

I would absolutely love to come to this. Sunday mornings are so busy for me but it would be helpful to come and learn how to be more welcoming. I'm with Pastor Curtis! I need this too!

Yes Curtis, as much as I love GSPC & the people. We have been on & off members. Found groups to be clicky & have to be ascertive to be included. There are wonderful people who draw us back in, love the weekly emailed bulletin, Talbot's precept classes & Carol Jaeger is the best friend a person could have & the Kreibles too. Thanks for acknowledging this & striving to be better.

I agree this is an area that we fall short.
Everyone likes the social aspect of our church and just wants to feel apart of it all and it is sometimes hard to break through to be included.

When new comers come in we do our best to greet them but need to figure out how to get them included.

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