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Study Guide | The Gospel of Mark 11.12-25

Greetings friends, Here is the study guide for Mark 11:12-25. This is an amazing passage in which we see the passion of Jesus for God's honor and for all nations of the world to know God's...

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Date Night

Next Saturday, November 6th, Family ministries is hosting a date night for parents! Childcare will be provided for your children - which includes pizza, games and movies - for only $15 per...

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Study Guide | The Gospel of Mark 11.1-11

Hi friends, I hope and pray this finds you well. Here is Pastor Jim's study guide on the passage for this Sunday's three gatherings. Usually referred to as Palm Sunday or the Triumphal...

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Study Guide | The Gospel of Mark 10.46-52

Hello GSPC friend, I hope you are doing well and experiencing the presence of the living Christ. Can you believe we are already nearing the end of October? Here's the study guide based on...

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I’m constantly being asked, “What exactly does FLIPT stand for or mean?” Well, I hate to disappoint all of you creative thinkers out there, but FLIPT isn’t some acronym with a really...

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All Church Camp Out

Can you believe it... our All Church Camp Out starts tomorrow! We're looking forward to a great weekend of enjoying God's good creation with one another at the Canyon RV Park. And if you...

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Study Guide | The Gospel of Mark 10.32-45

Greetings friends, Here is the sermon-based study guide for Sunday, October 17th for Mark 10.32-45. I am away this week attending a highly-recommended conference called "Preaching with...

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From Forgiveness to Blessing

Have you been hurt by someone? Does bitterness or anger at that person eat away at you? Jesus said we should love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. In the Lord’s Prayer...

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Study Guide | The Gospel of Mark 10.17-31

Another week... another guide! Our text this week, Mark 10.17-31, is a familiar account of a wealthy young man and Jesus' loving invitation for him to embrace the Kingdom. I think - and pray...

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Honky Tonk Perfume

Good Shepherd's monthly Senior Adult luncheon was held today in Zirbel Hall. And if you think you know what goes on at these sort of events, you have no idea. Today, the special guest was...

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