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Study Guide | The Letter to the Hebrews 9.11-14

Greetings Good Shepherd Friends,

This Sunday is World Communion Sunday and I can't imagine a more appropriate passage to be focused upon than Hebrews 9.11-14, the passage explored in this week's study guide and messages this coming Sunday.

In these verses the author attempts to highlight the significance of Jesus' blood shed on the cross of Calvary, it's effectiveness in rescuing humankind, and it's power to redeem our lives, making us able to serve the living God. I cannot imagine any greater happiness than to know I am loved, forgiven, and useful to the living God.

On another note, the Campus Improvement Project Phase 1 is progressing well. I hope you have been able to see the improvements in the gym, Zirbel Hall, and the restrooms near the Fireside Room.

Also, thank you to all who have given gift cards to the "Gift it Forward" project. We have already been able to help a family of four that was in need of food and basic toiletries - thanks to your generosity!

God bless you,
Pastor Jim

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