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Archives for October 2011

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e-Bulletin | Sunday, October 30th

Hi friends, Here's this week's e-Bulletin. As always, it's also available in the Sanctuary Narthex and Zirbel Hall tomorrow morning. Don't miss two great opportunities:...

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Study Guide | The Letter to the Hebrews 10.11-18

Greetings, The Hebrews author is ensuring that we understand a significant fact - in Jesus Christ you and I are forgiven. This theme continues in Hebrews 10.11-18, the passage...

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e-Bulletin | Sunday, October 23rd

Hi friends, I hope this finds you well. Here's this week's e-Bulletin! See you Sunday, as we continue our journey through the Letter to the Hebrews!...

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Delayed Answers to Prayer

Jesus promises that when we pray, His Father hears and answers our prayers. Why, then, do we not always see our prayers answered according to our expectations? Does God...

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Study Guide | The Letter to the Hebrews 10.1-10

Greetings Good Shepherd Family and Friends, Here's the Sermon-based Bible Study Guide for Hebrews 10.1-10, the text for this Sunday, October 23rd. It is an encouraging...

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e-Bulletin | Sunday, October 16th

Hi friends, Here's this week's e-Bulletin! As always it is filled with opportunities to connect with God, grow in faith and serve in love. Note especially a number of events this weekend...

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Study Guide | The Letter to the Hebrews 9.23-28

Hi friends, Here's Pastor Jim's study guide for this Sunday's text, Hebrews 9.23-28. If you think of it, keep Jim in prayer as he is away this week on study leave, reading and praying...

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e-Bulletin | Sunday, October 9th

Hi friends, My apologies!!! I was so excited to spend some time at this weekend's camp out that I forgot to send out the e-Bulletin! You probably already picked one up on Sunday...

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Study Guide | The Letter to the Hebrews 9.15-22

Greetings, Here is the study guide for Hebrews 9.15-22, our passage for October 9th. The author continues to drill down deeply into the significance of Jesus' death, resurrection...

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e-Bulletin | Sunday, October 2nd

Hi friends, Here's this week's e-Bulletin! It's overflowing with all kinds of opportunities to connect with God, grow in faith and serve in love! May that not only be true of our e-Bulletin...

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