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Archives for November 2014

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Pastor's Note | Saturday, November 22nd

Just a few minutes before I began to write these words I received an email from the individual who helped Connie and me to refinance our home mortgage a few years ago. His email conveyed "Three Reasons I am Thankful for You." I was flattered that he thought...

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Pastor's Note | Saturday, November 15th

On Saturday, November 1st, over 120 pastors and elders from 26 churches gathered at Malibu Presbyterian Church for the first meeting of the Presbytery of Southern California of our new denominational home ECO: A Covenant Order of Presbyterians....

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Bylaws for November 23rd Congregational Meeting

On Sunday, November 23rd at 10am in the Sanctuary is a Congregational Meeting to affirm God's call of Elders and Deacons to serve Good Shepherd, as well as approve updates to our congregational bylaws in accordance with our...

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Pastor's Note | Saturday, November 8th

It was one of those moments we weren't quite prepared for as parents. It was just a couple weeks ago, when my family and I were in Santa Barbara for the weekend to attend my wife's college reunion. We were staying with good friends, Dana and Beth Allin...

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