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Archives for August 2017

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Catman Returns!

It's been a year, now, since our two Flame Point Siamese kittens--Wallace and Gromit--joined our family. You'll recall, perhaps, that I am not a "pet person" by nature, and was somewhat uneasy about adding these felines to our household....

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Reflections on Charlottesville

The events that took place last weekend in Charlottesville have deeply troubled me to the core. But now, a week later, it is not only the events themselves, but the response - across our country - which reveals how deeply fallen and divided America is. I have sought...

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The Shrewd Manager?

This summer we've been engaging the parables in our series The Stories Jesus Told. You may recall how, a couple months ago, I invited anyone in our community to “tell us what to preach on.” Any story Jesus tells, we'll preach on it. Your favorite parable?...

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