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Archives for January 2016

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ECO National Gathering, This Sunday, and Beyond!

This past Tuesday through Thursday was the ECO National Gathering, held this year at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach. After previous years were spent travelling to Orlando, Florida and Dallas, Texas, it was great to be able to return to...

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10 Reasons to Attend the Annual Congregational Meeting Instead of Watching the Broncos-Patriots Game

The rumors are true. We actually scheduled our Annual Congregational Meeting for this Sunday, January 24th at 12pm, in the final weeks of the NFL season. And yes, that will interfere with watching the New England Patriots and Denver Broncos football game...

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Everyone Plays

Last Saturday, during our Elder and Staff retreat, Pastor Paul received a text message that his son had scored a basket in his youth basketball game. We all joined him in celebration for his son's two points! I wasn't as successful in my youth sports...

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Learning Backward, Planning Forward

In recent weeks, in this space, we have both reflected upon 2015 and looked ahead toward 2016. It’s an important exercise, not only looking ahead to the future, but processing where we’ve been. Just this week, I ran across a quote from John Dewey...

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2016: A New Beginning

If you’ve ever been trapped in a hotel room and a man named Gideon had been there first and you opened the book he left behind, you would find on the first page these words: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was...

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