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Archives for October 2012

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Election Night Communion Gathering

Tuesday, Novmber 6th is election day. It's a day filled with hopes and dreams for the future of our country, a day that presidential candidates and political parties have been...

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Study Guide | Philippians 3.1-11

Here's this week's study guide on Philippians 3.1-11. In this passage, Paul discusses the good things upon which he used to hang his hat, declaring that he now considers them...

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2012 Local Missions Fair

Watch these short videos of each local ministry to learn how Good Shepherd serves the community and you can become involved...

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Pastor's Appreciation Day

Sunday, October 28th, is Pastors’ Appreciation Day. In celebration of this special occasion, we are planning a reception, to be held in the gym between services Sunday morning...

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Junior Winter Camp 2013

Looking for a place where your kids can have a WILD time AND learn more about Jesus?! Well, January 4th-6th, 2013, we will be taking all 4th-5th graders to Forest Home again...

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Study Guide | Philippians 2.19-30

Greetings, As we continue our teaching from Paul's letter to the Philippians we turn to chapter 2, verses 19-30. Here is the study guide. We are introduced to two significant...

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Study Guide | Philippians 2.12-18

Here is this week's study guide on Philippians 2.12-18. In it Paul, the great Apostle to the Gentiles, reveals the profound calling of disciples of Jesus Christ: That we not retreat into a...

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Local Mission Fair | October 21st

On Sunday, October 21st between the worship services you will have an opportunity to meet those partners, learn about the kinds of ministry they provide, and find out how...

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Study Guide | Philippians 2.1-11

Greetings, Attached is the study guide for Philippians 2.1-11, a significant passage on an important character quality - humility. God bless you in your study. May you...

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