Pastor's Note | Monday, May 13th
On many occasions I've referred to the rear yard re-landscaping project Connie and I undertook five years ago. After demolition of over 70 tons (that is correct, 70 tons) of concrete...
Keep ReadingI love Venn diagrams. The visual representation of all logical relations between a finite collection of different sets is just the coolest. Don’t you think?...
As we enter a new year of “inviting all people to grow into a Christ-centered life in God’s family” Good Shepherd staff members have brainstormed three key areas vital to living out that mission....
Every year at this time, the Weekly is filled to the brim with various opportunities in the life of our church. By my count, there are 23 opportunities this week alone! A recent member of the Good Shepherd family recently e-mailed me to share of the fun...
Next Saturday, August 25th, our elders are meeting for a bi-annual retreat day. We do so every January and August, and they have become two of my absolute favorite days of the entire year, not only because we have a lot of fun together, but also because I learn so much from each one of the leaders on the team....
Last week we welcomed over 220 kids for VBS. This week, our Middle and High School students are on Catalina at Campus by the Sea for a week of summer camp. Different settings, to be sure, but the same goal....
VBS week is like no other week on campus. It’s not even close. All week, over 220 Pre-K through 5th graders have been making crafts, engaging in science experiments, playing games, watching skits and singing. And singing. Then, a little more singing...
When we discovered Jen was pregnant with our first child we were still in Princeton, NJ, entering the last year of our seminary adventure. It was the summer of 2000. In the fall of that year we traveled back home to southern California. We celebrated Jen’s birthday...
The Red Sox and the Yankees. Tom and Jerry. UCLA and USC. Batman and the Joker. Coke and Pepsi. The Hatfields and the McCoys. Classic rivalries are all around us. Here's one you may have never thought of: 9am Classic and 10:45am Modern...
Stanley Hauerwas and Will Willamon’s book Resident Aliens opens with these words: Sometime between 1960 and 1980, an old, inadequately conceived world ended, and a fresh, new world began. We do not mean to be overly dramatic....
In 1926, the United States Supreme Court made a well-intentioned ruling that affects our everyday lives - perhaps for the worst. The justices ruled that the town of Euclid, Ohio could bar the development of land which had been slated for an industrial-use...
My family and I live on a quaint little street near El Dorado park. It’s common on weekends to drive by epic birthday parties and large family reunions sprawled out in the vast open space of the historic park. My children, 4 and 7, always feel left out of playing on the...
The story has been told of a pastor who began his ministry at a new church with a brilliant sermon. Everyone loved it. The next week, however, he preached the same sermon. The exact same sermon. Same text, same illustrations, same application....
My brother and I called it “Big Church.” And it happened every Sunday. Really. Every Sunday! Starting in the 2nd grade! We went to Sunday School, then Big Church. Luckily, most Sundays we’d get a donut in between. But even after a donut - or maybe especially...
A couple of weeks ago lay leader Diana Klimek and I introduced a new ministry during our worship services. If you were absent that day, what follows is a brief overview of our recently launched Care Response Team (CRT)....
Our current sermon series is inspired by the prayer Jesus taught us, a prayer we pray together every week: “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed by Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”...
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter...
I’m one of those weird people who doesn’t like coffee. I like the smell but not the taste. On the rare occasion I visit a coffee shop I order tea or hot chocolate. My aversion to coffee does offer the benefit of saving money and freedom from caffeine addiction....
The story has been told of a Christian college here in Southern California that once sent its students door to door to talk with people about spiritual issues. Can you imagine how difficult that would be!? I hope that these students, by merely attempting...
In his award winning book The Jesus I Never Knew, Philip Yancey describes holy week traditions (or lack thereof) in his childhood church community. He explains that they never held a Good Friday service. Nor one for Maundy Thursday. No, they “skipped past...
Southern California is one of the most beautiful, idyllic places in the world. Where we call home is sought after by people around our country - even world! We may forget that from time to time, or even take it for granted, but it’s true. Case in point...
I've mentioned in sermons that my family and I live in a little fixer upper just across Katella/Willow into Long Beach, a few streets over from El Dorado Park. We love our neighborhood primarily because we have great neighbors, some of whom we get to worship...
The truth is, every church needs young people. Their passion enriches the soil around them. The curiosity they bring to Scripture and the authenticity they bring to relationships keep your church’s teaching fresh and fellowship fruitful....
An amazing thing happened on the way to Jerusalem. The first half of our gospel accounts depict Jesus ministering in and around Galilee. He calls disciples, tells parables, and performs healings on behalf of fascinated crowds. But about halfway through the...
Somewhere around 90% of American households own a car, but that wasn't always the case. A hundred years ago, the automobile was not accessible for most of the population. Then, along came Henry Ford. He once quipped that if he gave people what...
It’s officially known as Naval Support Facility Thurmont, but it’s usually just referred to as Camp David. Built from 1935-1938 in Catoctin Mountain Park near Thurmont, Maryland, Camp David has hosted dignitaries and politicians from all over the world....
In the movie Million Dollar Baby Clint Eastwood’s character likes to torment his priest by asking him questions that are incredibly difficult to answer. One question he asks is about the Trinity......
Sunday we began a new series we’re calling Who Is This Man? Despite the new series title, we’re continuing in the Gospel of Luke, which we began for Advent in December and will continue until Easter in April! “Who is this man?” It’s a question that...
It was one of those visuals that sticks with you, simple though it was. You know the kind: They imprint themselves deeply in your brain’s hippocampus and can’t be forgotten (no matter how hard you try!). In reality it was just two tables on a stage....
In his book Hidden Christmas, Tim Keller writes that every December there are two very different celebrations going on - each observed by millions of people at the same time. Around the world there are those of us who see in Christmas an opportunity to...
One of my favorite parts of preaching is words. Which isn’t all that surprising. I use a couple thousand of them in each sermon (though sometimes one or two of them are repeats). It’s not the amount of words I like (surprise though it may be)...
This fall we engaged the call to create Christian community in our series One Another. Our bulletin cover and PowerPoint background was a serene forest of trees, deep in some secluded forest. The inspiration for that image came from aspen trees,...
Our goal this year at Good Shepherd is to go deeper into community so that we can go further out in faith. If you haven't heard about that, learn more here. The desire to go deeper into community has prompted us to explore the "one anothers" found...
This week is Mission Sunday (remember to come early 2nd service folks!) and also marks the anniversary of an important moment in church history. 500 years ago, on October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted a copy of his Ninety-five Theses...
One of the movies I still enjoy is The Blues Brothers, staring the late John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd. They play Jake and Elwood Blues, brothers who believe they have a divine appointment to reassemble their band, play a one-night-only benefit concert,...
By now you’ve undoubtedly heard me write or talk about our one year goal at Good Shepherd: "Deeper Into Community, Further Out in Faith." We want every member of our church community to be connected not only in a Sunday morning worship...
The phrase "change the world" is a common one in our day. In one way or another, it seems everyone wants to do so. Type that phrase into Google and you’ll get 206 million results in a search that takes less than a second. Included are more than 50 million...
I am cast upon a horrible, desolate island, void of all hope of recovery. I am singled out and separated, as it were, from all the world, to be miserable. I am divided from mankind – a solitaire; one banished from human society… I have no soul to speak to or relieve me....
On Sunday we conclude our series All In, in which we’re engaging our mission statement: Inviting all people to grow into a Christ-centered life in God’s family. We’ve discussed “inviting all people” and “growing into a Christ-centered life.” On Sunday, we will think...
It’s been said that “words create worlds.” And it’s difficult to argue with that statement. Think, for instance, of the outset of the Scriptures, where God declares “Let there be light.” And, sure enough, there’s light! The next day God creates the sky. The next day...
Erwin Rommel was a genius, no doubt about it. The problem was that he put his efforts to use working for the Nazi regime. And yet, despite his evil intent, we can learn something from Rommel to be put to use for God’s mission in the world. And in our church....
Did you know our sanctuary is equipped with a high-tech device to meet the needs of those with reduced ranges of hearing? Well, it is! Last summer we installed “audio-frequency induction loops” - better known as a “hearing loop.” This device is a...
It's been a year, now, since our two Flame Point Siamese kittens--Wallace and Gromit--joined our family. You'll recall, perhaps, that I am not a "pet person" by nature, and was somewhat uneasy about adding these felines to our household....
The events that took place last weekend in Charlottesville have deeply troubled me to the core. But now, a week later, it is not only the events themselves, but the response - across our country - which reveals how deeply fallen and divided America is. I have sought...
This summer we've been engaging the parables in our series The Stories Jesus Told. You may recall how, a couple months ago, I invited anyone in our community to “tell us what to preach on.” Any story Jesus tells, we'll preach on it. Your favorite parable?...
One of the greatest joys of serving as your pastor is hearing how God has revealed Himself in your lives. Just this Thursday, I met with a Covenant Partner of our congregation to whom God revealed himself in unmistakable ways – clarifying his calling...
An African proverb states: “It takes a village to raise a child,” acknowledging the need for community that stretches beyond the bounds of the nuclear family. Today more than ever dual-income, busy parents need a network of grandmas and grandpas...
The above fresco, titled The Parable of the Sower, is the centerpiece of the chapel at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina. Painted by artist Gerald Steinmeyer, the work measures 17x20 feet, towering over gathered worshippers...
I'm not sure God intended us to have favorite passages in the Bible, but, I suppose it's only human to be drawn to certain parts of God's Word that speak to us in a special way. One of my "favorites" (if that's okay!?), is Psalm 150:...
After two weeks in Charlotte, North Carolina, at a second-year residency for my Doctorate in Ministry, it is good to be back! And no, I don't miss the humidity! I am grateful for how Josh and Paul kicked off our summer series, The Stories Jesus Told....
This week our church family suffered a very difficult loss as the 26-year old son of Julie Varley, Alex Bradley, was killed in a car crash. A couple of days later Julie pulled from the wreck a photocopy of the hymn “It is Well with My Soul,” which Alex had played on...
Here are some unofficial statistics from our Church Family Picnic, last Sunday: People attended: 157 In-n-out burgers consumed: 196 Water balloons tossed: 98 Bounces in the bounce house: 2,742 Kids laughing: 52 Seniors laughing: 53...
Like many children I enjoyed watching the Hanna-Barbera cartoons: Scooby-Doo, Tom & Jerry, The Jetsons, The Flintstones...they were all Saturday morning favorites. (They're still rather fun to watch today, especially Tom & Jerry.)...
At Tuesday evening’s Session and Staff Meeting, we reviewed a document written by ECO’s Synod Executive, Rev. Dr. Dana Allin, entitled Five Important Shifts for Our Future Development. The first shift is From ‘Clergy-Centered’ to an ‘Unleashed Laity.’...
Sunday we continue our series They Will Know Us By Our Fruit, inspired by Jesus’ teaching in Luke 6: No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from...
If you think about it, e-mail is a strange communication medium. Instead of speaking with someone face to face, or talking over the telephone, where we can at least hear their voice, in e-mail, our brains think up words that our fingers type...
One of the ways in which we love is through action. When Jesus washed the feet of his disciples (John 13) he was setting an example for them of humble care. The Church shines in its community when it lovingly serves. On Saturday, June 3rd,...
Our new web-based church management software, MyGoodShepherd, is really great! Like anything new—especially involving technology—there is much to learn and some inevitable kinks to work out. But......
The mission of Good Shepherd is to “Invite all people to grow into a Christ-centered life in God’s family.” This is the clear and concise statement that describes what we are all supposed to be doing together. Easter is a vital opportunity for us to...
In 1882, ten men began the arduous journey from Roseto, Italy to the New World. In Roseto, they had toiled day in and day out in a stone quarry, which prepared them for similar work when they arrived near Bangor, Pennsylvania. The next year, fifteen more...
We’ve got a problem here at Good Shepherd…a big problem. We’re really good at Bible study. We’ve got years of life experience and skills that others don’t have. We party hard when others celebrate and are saddened when others grieve. We might just be...
Have you ever clicked onto or another genealogy site to learn more about your family’s history? My mother has done so, tracing Bronzan family roots on one side through Yugoslavia and on the other side through the family of Abraham Lincoln! ...
Southern California doesn't really have seasons, per se. And most of us probably like it that way. It's a bit colder in the winter months, but nothing worth bundling up for. Where I grew up in the Central Valley, seasons were more pronounced. August afternoons were...
If you attended our Annual Congregational Meeting or have had a chance to read this excerpt from the report, you already know that Good Shepherd's leaders began 2017 with a number of initiatives we are working toward. We have begun specifically...
The season of Lent is the 40-day period that culminates with the celebration of Jesus’ victory over death on Easter Sunday. Lent has traditionally focused on self-reflection, repentance, and a re-awakening of our commitment to follow the way of Jesus. ...
With 3 and 5-year-old children, the most common television shows in my home are cartoons. While my wife and I limit screentime, there are a few favorites: Paw Patrol (which features talking dogs that come to the rescue of anyone that needs help)...
At the Athens Olympics in 2004, sport shooter Matt Emmons was just one trigger pull away from winning a second gold medal. He was so far ahead of second place in the fifty-meter three-position rifle competition that all he had to do was hit the target...
A strange thing happens in Luke 9. We learn at the outset of the chapter that after Jesus called his disciples, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and...
It’s important to remember. Imagine forgetting your wedding anniversary or your best friend’s birthday! If you’ve ever forgotten an important date - or had an important date of yours forgotten - you know firsthand how important remembering is....
The first Sunday of every month we celebrate Communion. And our worship attendance is always highest on those days - probably for that very reason. But what happens when the first Sunday of the month is the first Sunday of the year and that first Sunday...
It happens in movies all the time. Two characters are engaged in some surprising conversation or activity when a third character reacts incredulously. That third character can’t believe what they’re seeing or hearing. And in so doing, they model for us - the viewer...
A juxtaposition is defined as "two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect." I’m sure there are a few in this weekend’s movie release, Rogue One, which continues the Star Wars franchise. There’s certainly one in this week’s...
Every four years, after a new president is elected, the chosen candidate gets to appoint their cabinet. This practice dates back to George Washington, America's first president, who elected five other people to serve alongside him and Vice President...
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go! And I suppose it's time. A few weeks ago, I lamented how quickly our society jumped from Halloween to Christmas, skipping right over Thanksgiving. I wrote: This year I noticed, more than...
It’s time for your Greek lesson! (I know what you’re thinking: “Don’t we get enough Greek in your sermons on Sundays!?” And, fair enough. Maybe so. But this one will be short. I promise.) Good Shepherd is a Presbyterian church. This describes not only our...
Apparently teaching through the Book of Acts is a dangerous thing for a preacher to do. Now I know. This fall we've been engaging this book of early church history, as we live into our mission, "Inviting all people to grow into a Christ-centered life in God's family."...
A strange thing happened this week. No, it doesn’t have to do with the Presidential Election. And no, it isn’t the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series for the first time since 1908. Though that was fun (for them!). It has to do with Halloween - or, better yet,...
Last week we engaged the conversion of Saul of Tarsus, who, following his transformation, became the Apostle to the Gentiles, sharing the good news of God's love all over the world. In my message, I noted how God is the author of...
It’s fall (though the weather might not seem like it). If you don’t believe me, stop by Starbucks. You’ll see: Pumpkin Spiced Lattes are on the menu! The season’s change reminded me a powerful metaphor in the book Church Unique used by our Staff and Session...
"How's the running going, Curtis?" It was a simple question. And it deserved a simple answer. "Great!" I could've said, responding succinctly. Or, "Really well, actually, I'm running five days a week, three miles each day," if I wanted to give more details....
Last week in our ongoing series To the Ends of the Earth, we encountered tension between two ethnicities in the early Christian movement. Recall that the Greek widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food (check out the message...
Last Sunday in our series through Acts, we engaged chapter 3, verse 4: “Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, ‘Look at us!’” As we discussed together, this was a strange thing for Luke to add. As a doctor and someone so interested in...
The outset of the Apostle Paul’s first century letters, sent to churches springing up at the ends of the earth, contain a common refrain: Thanksgiving. Is he merely being polite expressing this ongoing gratitude for his partners in ministry and mission?...
I'm 35 years old (believe it or not). I'm married, with two kids. We live near El Dorado Park in a little fixer upper (that, in five years, we haven't fixed up all that much!). I like reading philosophy and listening to indie rock and drinking strong coffee and rooting for...
The past few weeks, I've been trying something new: running. Well, it's not entirely new, since I used to run cross country and track in Junior High and High School. But it's been a while! Trying to run again has been challenging and uncomfortable. The day after...
I’ve told my friends, I don’t really go to retreats to get sleep - although some manage to. Mostly, it’s a much needed break from the usual routine, a time to gain a sense of renewal - renewing old friendships, finding new ones, and recharging our intimacy...
As we transition from summer into a busy fall, one particular passage has been on my mind. In chapter 3 of Paul’s letter to the Philippians, the Apostle to the Gentiles writes, I want to know Christ - yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation...
My son, Moses - our firstborn - begins kindergarten this week. And I'm a wreck of emotions! I can remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. What they say really is true: They grow up too fast! And yet, in the 5 1/2 years since he was born, he’s not...
I like to have a plan. What I don’t like is when reality does not quite match up with my planned expectation! I am quickly getting used to this being a part of life that I cannot control. I have found myself in a situation where my “perfect” plan has been altered....
This weekend we continue our six week series I Am A Covenant Partner, exploring what it means to be a member of the local church. As we have done so, I have been deeply encouraged by conversations following sermons and with those of you who are...
“Time spent with cats is never wasted.” --Sigmund Freud “In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods. They have not forgotten this.” --Terry Pratchet “As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat.” --Ellen Perry Berkeley ...
For the next two weeks the world will turn its attention to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, site of the 2016 Summer Olympics. Fans around the world will tune in to cheer on their country. Despite concerns about the Zika virus and subpar housing conditions...
On Thursday night, my wife Cassie and I attended a concert at the Greek Theater. The band isn't her favorite musical act, but I had been looking forward to this show since I got tickets back in December. With work commitments and a busy family life, it had...
Ah yes, Easter. The one day out of the year children look for brightly colored plastic eggs filled with candy and lunch with the family is mandatory. And that's it. Or is it? Could there be more...
The Women’s Ministry spring luncheon, “In the Hands of the Potter†on Saturday, May 7th will feature guest speaker Carole Wolaver, The Pottery Lady. She will instruct and in inspire us to be...
Hi friends, I hope this finds you well in this Lenten season, as we journey toward the Resurrection! I encourage you to be thinking about those you know who need to hear the good news...
Greetings, I have just finished the sermon-based study guide for this coming Sunday and have been moved by the amazing love of Jesus Christ - the event of his crucifixion, his willingness to...
Support Misión Mexico 2011 at The Open Table Tuesday, April 5th. Proceeds from dinner will help our team build retaining walls for a women's halfway house operated by Pastor Maria of...
Cowabunga Dudes and Dudettes!!! Can you believe it's almost that time of year again!? It's almost time for our annual Vacation Bible School! This year we'll be cruising on down to a SonSurf...
Hi friends, A bone marrow drive is being held for our very own eight year old Kai Quinonez on Saturday, March 26th at the corner of Pine and Florista in Los Alamitos from 11am to 3pm....
Hello, Church Family! Saturday, April 2nd, we will have a special spring cleaning day for our church facility. The event will give us all an opportunity to pitch in and really give our campus a...
Hi friends, This week's e-Bulletin noted that it's not too late to buy tickets and raffle tickets for an upcoming We Care fundraiser "From the Heart" next Saturday, March 12th at 6pm. Here's...
It was about 10 years ago that I, as a student, walked from the Student Ministries room into the Sanctuary one Sunday morning to join the rest of the church family in celebration our...
Greetings Good Shepherd Family, We are approaching a special season of the Church year - the season of Lent that leads us once again to the events of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection...
Dear Parents of Good Shepherd Children, At Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, nothing is more important to us than the safety and security of your children. That’s why we’ve chosen...
Hi friends, I wanted to give you a heads up about a great opportunity coming up on Saturday, February 26th, from 9am to Noon in the Fireside Room. A healing prayer seminar will be led...
Tonight at an Open Table steering committee meeting, team member Leny Ambruso shared a brief excerpt from Mother Theresa's book A Simple Path that was too good not to pass on!...
Hi friends, In an effort to conserve the resources of creation and more effectively communicate all the great things happening at Good Shepherd, we are moving forward with a new e-Bulletin...
Hi friends, I recently received this update from Michelle Swaney, who, with her husband Matt, ministers to college students through Campus Crusade for Christ. If you have any questions on how to...
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, we need your help! “Very Challenging†is the phrase that best describes our financial situation at Good Shepherd. Mindful of our calling to make...
As in years past, Good Shepherd is offering three different Christmas Eve gatherings this Friday night: Our 4pm Family Gathering is specifically designed for parents and their little ones...
In James 5.16 we are called to "confess our sins to each other." And, friends, I've got some confessing to do! Let me begin by stating what may be obvious: I love my job! I am so thrilled to be able...
Hey kids! Want to get in the Christmas spirit?? Come join us December 15th at 6:30! FLIPT will be having its first Potluck Christmas party! We have a FULL fun night planned out...
In January 2011, three new opportunities to Grow in Faith will be available. N.T. Wright's Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, beginning January 18th in...
This Saturday, November 27th at 4pm is our annual Family Advent Night! All are welcome to this opportunity to share a soup dinner, sing Christmas carols led by Peggy Duquesnel Malbon...
Beginning this Sunday, November 28th at all three worship gatherings, we will be taking a break from our Gospel of Mark series to prepare for advent. The advent series, When the ...
You are invited to GSPC's Canned Food Drive Drive-thru on Thursday, November 18th from 5-7pm. The event will benefit Food Finders goal to raise 100,000 pounds of food. Canned...
Last night was the kick off for The Open Table, a brand new opportunity to gather together and share good food with great friends. And I think it's safe to say, "IT'S A HIT!" The Open Table...
This Sunday, November 14th, Good Shepherd will host a fair benefiting Heifer Project International, a non-profit agency whose mission is to work with communities to end hunger and...
Hi friends, Kirk Brown, Elder for World Mission, recently alerted me to a wonderful opportunity to keep up with Rachel Falco: her personal blog at! As you may recall...
Hi friends, I wanted to let you know the Good Shepherd newsletter for November & December is now available! Previous months can also be viewed on the Newsletter page. Or, if you'd like to...
Next Saturday, November 6th, Family ministries is hosting a date night for parents! Childcare will be provided for your children - which includes pizza, games and movies - for only $15 per...
On this Sunday, October 24th there will be a special opportunity in the life of our church: the Local Mission Fair! You are invited to come and learn how your giving is impacting our community and...
I’m constantly being asked, “What exactly does FLIPT stand for or mean?†Well, I hate to disappoint all of you creative thinkers out there, but FLIPT isn’t some acronym with a really...
Did you know Associate Pastor Paul White wears a size 16 shoe? Or Student Ministries Director Werner Ramirez has a pacemaker? Or Children's Ministry Assistant Michelle Heath earned a...
You're invited to a special opportunity to become a part of the Good Shepherd family of faith this Saturday, October 23rd. The bi-annual new members class offers a chance to learn more about...
Can you believe it... our All Church Camp Out starts tomorrow! We're looking forward to a great weekend of enjoying God's good creation with one another at the Canyon RV Park. And if you...
This Friday, October 15th Good Shepherd is hosting a special opportunity to serve our community (and have a lot of fun at the same time!) at the bi-annual Fall Dance for those with special...
Have you been hurt by someone? Does bitterness or anger at that person eat away at you? Jesus said we should love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. In the Lord’s Prayer...
Phil Swingle - husband to Elizabeth and dad to Eva and Elaina - has a great opportunity to serve the children of our community - and is looking for others to join him! As a teacher, he leads an...
Good Shepherd's monthly Senior Adult luncheon was held today in Zirbel Hall. And if you think you know what goes on at these sort of events, you have no idea. Today, the special guest was...
The Purpose Driven Life seeks to answer that question. Beginning Monday October 11th, you are invited to join a 7-week study in Good Shepherd’s Fireside Room. The group will meet at 7pm...
On many occasions I've referred to the rear yard re-landscaping project Connie and I undertook five years ago. After demolition of over 70 tons (that is correct, 70 tons) of concrete...
Keep ReadingHi friends, This is week six of our series Rooted: In the Soil of a Vibrant, Growing Faith, which may strike you as odd, since there are only five solas. What, then, are we going to talk...
Keep ReadingHi friends, We continue our Rooted series in this week's study guide and at all three worship gatherings this weekend. Glory to God Alone, or Soli Deo Gloria, as the Reformers would have...
Keep ReadingFor the past few weeks we have been engaging the roots of biblical Christianity in a series we're calling Rooted: In the Soil of a Vibrant, Growing Faith. Each week in our sermon...
Keep ReadingGreetings, This week we continue engaging the central doctrines of the Protestant Reformation in a series we're calling Rooted: In the Soil of a Vibrant, Growing Faith. As we have...
Keep ReadingIt's no surprise that our world is changing rapidly. Among the effects of rapid social change is the fact that the Christian church is no longer widely appreciated, understood, and influential...
Keep ReadingThis week we continue engaging the central doctrines of the Protestant Reformation in a series we're calling Rooted: In the Soil of a Vibrant, Growing Faith. Thus far in our quest...
Keep ReadingThe 20th century theologian Karl Barth was once asked what was the greatest theological statement he'd ever heard. His response was Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible...
Keep ReadingHi friends, I was so sorry to miss gathering for worship this weekend, especially as we began our new series. I was unable to join you as I am currently in Springfield, Missouri, ...
Keep Reading