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Archives for August 2014

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Pastor's Note | Saturday, August 30th

Solomon, the king of Israel known for his exceptional gift of wisdom, penned his reflections on God's sovereignty and headship over all things: "There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under the heavens..." Ecclesiastes 3.1-8 is a familiar...

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ECO National Gathering Videos

Monday, August 18th through Wednesday, August 20th, I, Pastor Jim, Elders Roberta Ramont and Sue Nelson Brown attended the 2014 National Gathering of ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians in Dallas, Texas. I know - Dallas, Texas...

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Pastor's Note | Saturday, August 16th

"Who is that new person?" In recent weeks it has not been unusual for one of our staff or members to ask me that question. We have been blessed to have welcomed a number of new...

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Pastor's Note | Saturday, August 9th

What an amazing week! I'm referring to our recent Vacation Bible School at which nearly 200 kids ages 3 to 11 took an "Amazing Adventure" with some weird animals and...

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