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Posts Tagged with "Connect with God"

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Pastor's Note | Monday, June 10th

I was sitting in my office while one of our Good Shepherd family was reading John 15.1-8 out loud in preparation for reading it in our worship service at 10:30am yesterday...

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Pastor's Note | Monday, April 8th

Hi friends, I was so sorry to miss gathering for worship this weekend, especially as we began our new series. I was unable to join you as I am currently in Springfield, Missouri, ...

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Pastor's Note | Monday, March 25th

It's been said that teachers teach what they need to learn. I've come to believe the same is true for preachers' preaching. Or, at least, it is for me. Last weekend we engaged...

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After Thoughts | "Follow Me"

John Calvin, father of the Reformed tradition, once wrote that "human nature, so to speak, is a perpetual factory of idols." Now, remember, idols are inherently good things that are...

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Let Your Life Speak

This past weekend we kicked off a brand new series for a brand new year we're calling Every Good Endeavor, a title we've borrowed from Pastor Timothy Keller's book of the same name...

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Study Guide | Philippians 3.12-16

Hi friends, Despite what your favorite coffee shop says, it's not yet the Christmas season (though I'm sure their holiday blend is delicious!). We continue in our study of Philippians...

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Election Night Communion Gathering

Tuesday, Novmber 6th is election day. It's a day filled with hopes and dreams for the future of our country, a day that presidential candidates and political parties have been...

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