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Archives for February 2016

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Session-Approved Action Items - February 23, 2016

If you attended our annual congregational meeting, you may recall my saying that we need to increase trust and transparency amongst Good Shepherd's congregation, staff, elders, and deacons. To that end, in hopes of increasing trust and transparency...

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Dispatches from the ECO National Gathering, Part 2

How can Good Shepherd support and equip families to be the primary spiritual caregiver for their children? Youth group activities, missions trips, devotionals and intentional discipleship of youth are all important to give kids the best chance to be life-long followers...

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Dispatches from the ECO National Gathering, Part 1

This morning we begin a series of posts where members of our leadership team report back from the ECO National Gathering, which took place at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach, January 26th-28th. This week, Associate Pastor...

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